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Jack of Marketing
Apr 2, 20233 min read
How Airbnb capitalised on the "Jobs to be Done" framework to become a unicorn?
How can the jobs-to-be-done framework help your marketing needs?
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Jack of Marketing
Jan 15, 20234 min read
Brand Identity & Brand Image-What is the difference?
What is the difference between Brand Image and Brand Identity and how can you use it to grow your company's revenue?
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Jack of Marketing
Jul 29, 20222 min read
Dimension of Ease in Brand Marketing
Ease of thought, ease of choice, ease of use. Why do we need to define each ease when we are making our marketing strategy plan
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Jack of Marketing
Jun 5, 20224 min read
Why Starbucks Failed In Australia
With Starbucks being a prevalent and preferred coffee chain, why did it fail in Australia?
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Jack of Marketing
May 1, 20224 min read
How Tim Horton's deteriorated due to Brand inconsistency
Back in 2018, Tim Hortons had dropped from 13th to 67th place in the Reputation Institute's analysis. What caused such a decline?
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Jack of Marketing
Apr 16, 20224 min read
Starbucks case study: The day the Starbucks brand was on the verge of going bankrupt
Starbucks once was on the verge of bankruptcy. How did Starbucks manage to get back on its feet and become one of the most desirable?
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Saurabh Bajaj
Feb 26, 20227 min read
What defines the Purpose of a Brand?
We all know the 4P's of marketing but what about the 5th one which forms one of the most concrete foundations for a brand?
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Saurabh Bajaj
Jan 30, 20227 min read
How does Pricing affect Business Decision Making?
price too high then competition may undercut you, price too low, no margins remain. So what should marketing professionals do?
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Saurabh Bajaj
Jan 23, 20226 min read
The 4 steps to ensure a successful advertisement
Advertising is not just storytelling or convincing you to buy a product or service. But then what is it? Find out in this article
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Jack of Marketing
Dec 13, 20216 min read
What’s the reason behind the massive success of Domino’s?
The journey of turnaround of Domino's and how it became of the leading Pizza companies and franchise in the world
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Jack of Marketing
Jun 21, 20216 min read
Ritz-Carlton Business Strategy: Maximum Customer Satisfaction
This article was originally written for the You can find the original link here-->
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Jack of Marketing
Mar 13, 20214 min read
Burberry rebranding: An iconic transformation from Gangwear to Luxury clothing
this article was originally written for you can access the link here-->
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